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Past Events

Join us for our Equity Walk & Talk on April 13!

Join us for our March Equity Walk & Talk at 8:00 a.m., Saturday, April 13.  We'll be chatting about Ethnic Studies and the supplemental materials used to teach. 

Complete this form if you're not already signed up!

SEED Training

SEED stands for Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity and its tagline is "Conversations for Change". It's a year-long commitment open to caregivers who want to do a deep dive into social justice issues. Learn more here. We're starting in November so if you're interested, please fill out the registration form

Join our Virtual Book Club

We'll be hosting a virtual book club over three Zoom sessions this summer, where we read and discuss Social Justice Parenting: How to Raise Compassionate, Anti-Racist, Justice-Minded Kids in an Unjust World by Dr. Traci Baxley.

Contact us to join the FFEE Book Club!

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