2023-24 NCC Executive Board

Amy Flicker

Prior to becoming a full time mom, I held executive positions focused on Organizational Planning & Development and Succession Planning in the wireless telecom industry. We have 2 boys, one who graduated from SDA, and the other from LCC.  Our youngest is a special needs student, who is on the autism spectrum.
I served as a PTA President and various other roles in EUSD and SDUHSD, such as ICOC, Social & Emotional Wellness Committee, SPED Taskforce, SPED Transition Taskforce. I was also on the executive board for NCCSE, which oversees 14 school districts for northern San Diego County. For the City of Encinitas, I served as Environmental Commissioner, Planning Commissioner, Cyclovia, Climate Action Plan & City Ordinances.
Being involved where my energy and efforts can benefit our kids and our communities are what I enjoy the most.  I am privileged to be your NCC President for the 2023-2024 school year and look forward to supporting you.

Holly Butte

Holly Butte is serving her second year as Council Treasurer.  She has been active at the PTA Units where her daughter attended school, Capri and Diegueno.  She recently was a part of the Foundation at SDA.  She has held many roles in PTA, Secretary, Treasurer, VP, and President and has been involved in many volunteer activities.  She is an alumna of TP, Earl Warren, and Solana Beach.

Doreen Hom

Doreen is a native San Diegan (and graduate of UC San Diego) who has been a long time PTA volunteer serving unit, council, and district. Her roles have included president, treasurer, secretary, parliamentarian, and auditor. Her two children are alumni of Ashley Falls, Earl Warren MS, and Torrey Pines HS. Both have since graduated from college and are “adulting”. Doreen still volunteers with Everyone a Reader, is a board member of the TPHS Foundation as well as its Badminton Liaison, and is on the admin staff of San Diego North County Chinese School. She can even tell you how rewarding it is to volunteer at her children’s college too. Professionally, she is a part time biologist at Scripps Research.

Pardis Safari

I have two children at Solana Highlands, where I serve my second term as the PTA secretary. I work in the healthcare and clinical trial/research industry. At Solana Highlands, I have chaired Red Ribbon Week, Running Club, Heritage Night, social media, and communications. I’m excited about this new position and look forward to helping all site presidents with their bylaws questions.

Financial Reviewer
Janet Zhou

I have two amazing children who are in the 9th Grade at CCA and 5th Grade at Solana Pacific. I served the same role last year at PTMS. My background is in accounting/tax, and I am thrilled to be one of the NCC board members and it’s a great pleasure to meet our awesome NCC board team and work together. Together we build a better community for our children.

Amy Wilson

A San Diego native, I currently reside in Carmel Valley with my three children; Lauren, a senior, Andrew a freshman, both at CCA and my son David a second grader at Solana Highlands where I’m also serving as our PTA President. My background is in business administration and elementary education. Outside of the PTA, I work as a Realtor and am attending graduate school. In my down time, I enjoy being with my children, family and friends participating in all the activities our community has to offer.

VP Membership
Reise Miller

I have a Post Graduate Degree in Conceptual Art and Design. i have 3 children , 2 who are at TPHS and 1 who is a graduate from SDSU. I have served 2 years on PTMS as Vp on the PTA, and 2 years on TPHS Foundation Board, and 10 years as a tutor on Everyone A Reader program. I am very excited to serve on NCC in the Membership capacity.

VP Programs & Reflections Co-Chair
Julie Pallia

I’m a proud honored mother of 3 daughters in public schools. In the past I have volunteered in all three of my daughters classes as room mom for nine years while in elementary school.    I served on our PTA board as VP of Health and Safety, Executive VP and President at the elementary level. While my daughters were at middle school I served on the PTA as VP of Programs and President.  The past two years I have volunteered as President at the council level for North Coastal Council.  Currently I'm serving as Health Director at the district level for Ninth District PTA. I’m a passionate volunteer, advocate for children, families, teachers, staff and my community. 

Reflections Co-Chair
Heather Dugdale

Heather is a philanthropic strategist with her own nonprofit consulting practice.  Heather has three children who went through the Solana Beach School District and Torrey Pines High School.  Heather has been involved with PTA since 2013 when her oldest child (now 21) entered 7th grade at Earl Warren Middle School.  Heather has served in multiple chair positions as well as President at Earl Warren and NCC President.  Heather is currently serving in one of her favorite positions, Reflections Chair.

VP Legislation
Judi Strang

I am an advocate for youth and parents, a retired social worker, Executive Director of San Dieguito Alliance, parent of 7 children, all of whom graduates from Torrey Pines High School. I have served in the past as Unit and Council President, Treasurer, and Health & Safety, Legislation.  I have a great interest in Legislation as an opportunity to change and interrupt the promotions and messages that persuade youth that alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, and drugs are an answer to dealing with life’s anxieties and problems. I have a BA in Psychology after entering college with Math major (still a great love of mine), and MA in Education Psychology (primarily research and data collection). I am a native San Diegan, always living near the beach which I love.

DEI Chair
Marina Supple

I'm the mom of two amazing people, who are in 10th and 8th grade, and have served in various positions while on the Solana Beach and Earl Warren MS PTAs. Professionally, I've worked in education for almost 2 decades, as both a middle school science teacher and school counselor. I'm excited to combine my professional and personal experiences in this role. By building relationships and addressing the systemic inequities that exist, the DEI group seeks to ensure that our schools are affirming places where all children are able to thrive.

Communications Chair / Webmaster
Matthew Cheng

I am a retired software engineer. I have one son in 4th Grade at Pacific Sky School. I joined PTA membership since my son entered Sycamore Ridge's kindergarten in 2019 but had not volunteered for PTA and had no idea what it was about. When the new Pacific Sky School opened in 2022, I jumped in and served as the first Pacific Sky PTA President and learned a lot about PTA since then. This year (2023), I moved to serve as Health & Safety Chair on Pacific Sky PTA board and am excited to serve as Webmaster on NCC board and continue to learn more.